United States
Avalon Solar – (57 MW) Tucson Arizona

During January 2014, Equator Solar sold a 57-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic (PV) project it had developed, through a subsidiary Avalon Solar Partners, LLC, on a 500-acre site south of Tucson, Arizona. The project was developed in two phases under long-term Power Purchase Agreements signed with Tucson Electric Power (TEP). Phase-1 is 35MW and commenced commercial operations during January 2015. Phase-2 is approximately 22 MW and commenced commercial operations during January 2016. The facility now generates enough energy to power over 9,250 homes.
The Avalon project is located on degraded land owned by Asarco, an integrated copper mining, smelting and refining company headquartered in Tucson. The collaboration among Asarco, TEP and Equator was born out of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program established with the objective of siting renewable energy projects on disturbed lands including mine sites. Avalon is the largest such solar project located on degraded mining company owned land in the United States.
Equator Solar – (300 MW) South West
During November 2010, Equator Solar sold control and entered into a co-development agreement with an independent power producer regarding an early stage 300 MW solar PV project on a Native American reservation.
Equator Solar Ltd. – (85 MW) Thailand
During May 2011, Equator Solar sold a portfolio of 15 solar PV projects an affiliate had developed in Thailand to supply a total of 85 MW under a long-term power purchase agreements to Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). Equator Solar Ltd. (Thailand) now owns and manages 257.8 (MW) of solar generating assets and is in no way affiliated with Equator Capital Group.
Equator Solar – (100 MW) Australia
Equator Solar currently is co-developing a 100 MW solar PV project in Queensland Australia on degraded land adjacent to an iron ore mine.
2101 L Street NW – Suite 400 • Washington, DC 20037
(202) 835-1600 • info@EquatorSolar.com • Contact Us